Friday, July 22, 2011

Logic 101 "Honesty"- Brey

Wassup y'all...back again with my personal favorite segment of our weekly posts. I'd like it to be noted that I'm being 100% serious and not tryin to disrespect with these posts. That said...

Ok so honesty is a broad topic, but i just plan on covering some broad aspects of a trait that seems to elude many misled morons these days. Honesty is, or should be rather, a fundamental part of people's life. Honesty makes and breaks relationships, friendships, and public perceptions. Let's start with social networking:

Twitter and Facebook are social networks meant to have fun, but niggas are takin it to a new level with this  "I'm the most introspective, hilarious, mature, well-rounded person you'll ever meet" mentality. I don't know whether most of you do that for attention, or to stay afloat in the sea of more interesting people you encounter on these sites. It is a fact that people are gonna be more interesting than you, but don't change yourself in order to impress people who in the scheme of things do not give a fuck about you. YOU are gonna be interesting and everything good to other people, but it make sure you are staying true to yourself. Don't go from being a Trey Songz ass nigga in person to Tupac on Twitter. I've recently come under some fire lately for "not being the same person in person" that I am on Facebook /Twitter. These are mostly whispers from people who have not hung out with me in years and frankly, if you're the same person you were when you were 16/17, something is wrong with you.Moving on...

Relationships. We all have issues but honesty and communication would eliminate 80% of the problems you ever found yourself having with your significant other. If you're gonna lie, DON'T be in a relationship point blank. You're just wasting everyone's time because you aren't being you in the relationship but whoever you want that person to think you are. If you got a problem with somethin, OPEN YOUR FUCKING MOUTH( pause). Don't do that passive-aggressive "nah it don't bother me" but you're secretly fuming bullshit.It all comes out in the end so just nip shit in the bud and you'll see how much they value your honesty.Also, if you ask irrelevant questions about someones past, don't get mad if they tell you the ACTUAL truth. Some shit in the past just doesn't matter in relation to the current situation no matter how much you think it does.

Friendships. This is a slippery slope(pause). I see dudes and girls fake friendships ALL the time. Simply put, don't hang out/make friends with people if you have a motive, don't fucking like them, or just don't really have much in common. Ideally friendships should last a lifetime, but people are so fucking cool these days to admit how they really feel about their friends. If you care about your friend a lot, don't bullshit them like they're an acquaintance just because you feel the level of care isn't the same. If you don't like somethin your friend does or says, tell em. Don't complain about it to your other mutual friend then cause a storm of problems that ends in you being called a "Fake Ass Bitch". Also, if your friend tells you a secret and you swear not to tell anyone, DO JUST FUCKING THAT. Don't call your friends across town who may not know them and tell them. Everyone has that "one friend" who they tell shit to...and so on and so forth.

Aiight just had to spit minimal knowledge on what i feel should be common sense. If you disagree/agree with anything in the post let me know cause I'm def. not immune to getting shit wrong....

I'm out,

Brey/ @breyboy11

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