Sunday, May 6, 2012

Niggas Making Moves

Whats good yall. We're no longer gonna post on Blogger anymore, went and got our own domain name, new design, etc... So fuck with us on our new site! Niggas making moves...
Eazy & Brey

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The First Date ~Eazy

We all know that first dates are a pretty big deal. It seems like both parties have very high expectations when they go out on that first date, and you really can split up the the type of expectations by sex. Niggas for the most part just wanna make sure shorty not whack, and possibly some ass by the end of the night. As you probably seen from Think Like A Man though, girls come in with a whole checklist of preferences and shit like they don't know themselves personally, and to make things even more difficult, many of them consider NOT fucking an accomplishment. This is where the problem lies people...
Many niggas my age aren't trying to waste their time with these type of women. Not saying im like that, but hey...its the truth. Ya'll can get mad all you want, but it just reality, so fellas, Eazy is here yet again to guide you to the promised land(pause) so you arent out here wasting time on women who arent offering what you want. And if you are looking for that one, this will show you who to avoid. Eazy's just here to help. I've come up with 3 types of women you will typically come across on first dates and have organized them based on the likelihood that you'll wake up the next morning with blue-balls :/, or a cuties panties on ya ceiling fan... so lets get into it...
1. The Overly-Independent, Ambitious Goal Seeker

Chance of Getting The Panties: 0-20% :(
Possibility of Having a Good Time: Scattered
We sad :(   Make no mistake yo....these women are the enemy...These are the type of women that seem to have no real interest in sex or dating at all and are only out with you right now cause her girlfriends were getting suspicious and made her do it. They are often referred to as robots because their natural apathy towards sex/men is inhumane. Their future for the most part is already paved with 6 figure salary careers and management positions. No parties, just scheduled meetings, internships, and studying. They may make great wife material but unless you're like 28, or one of them niggas on a quest for true love cause you really enjoyed The Vow, you may want to stay away from her. There are a few ways to tell if you're dealing with this type of woman. First and foremost, how long did it take to set this date up? This type of woman will often cancel or push a date back because a "meeting came up" or other work or Organization based reasons. Wardrobe is also a big teller. These women wont commonly wear tight/revealing clothes because they believe in letting their merit and not their body make the statement for them...disgusting.

2. The Relationship Girl/Cool Chick

Chance of Getting The Panties: 45-75%
Possibility of Having a Good Time: Moderate to High
Ehh, I guess this is your average female. The one you may approach with intentions to just smash, but somehow stumble into a committed relationship. For the most part they are a good time but you just have to play it by ear. These are the girls who try to implement those "3 week rules" and make a point to try to never smash on the first night. :/ Fret not though because with most of these women, this rule can easily be broken if you make her feel you're right for her. They make sure that they get, what they feel is, their "respect" but also like to be themselves and appreciate men and sex. You'll find them to be involved on campus and bringing in about a 3.4 gpa each semester. She'll tend to have a little more guy friends because of how cool she is, but this doesn't mean she's a hoe. When setting dates with her, she'll definitely show interest, but wont entertain you playing any games, so don't go giving her the run around because you'll just miss out. What she wears to the date can vary depending on the girl, but depending on the type of date, expect her to look nice and be comfortable. As you get closer to that 75% mark expect the clothes to get a little less loose and a little more revealing. Catch her at a few of the BIG parties but she definitely wont be found at parties every Thursday-Sunday. Don't be discouraged about not hitting on the first not with her, cause sticking around is usually worthwhile, and they usually wont make you wait too long, for the most part.
3. The College Girl/Free Spirit

Chance of Getting The Panties: 85-100% :)
Possibility of Having a Good Time: High
WOOOO!!!! These women here!!! The prize! The Goal! WOO!! These women here abide by the realization that everyone does in fact have needs, and choose to act on those need as they please. They may not necessarily let you hit on the first night, but they sure as hell don't go into the date knowing that they aren't gonna give you any play before that actually meet you, they go with what they feel. This is such a broad category and include females with a myriad of backgrounds. These tend to be the girls who were overlooked in high school but started to blossom upon entering college, the girls who we're on lock-down all of their life, experienced freedom in college and went wild, or the girls who just don't give a fuck with people think and does what she wants....WOOO!! Catch her on your instagram timeline trying to shotgun 2 beers or taking a bottle of Tequila to the head.  She basically lives the college life, may have a part-time job or may be a part of an organization or two, but for the most part she's just trying to enjoy college. When setting up dates with her she usually takes the position of the aggressor, trying to set up dates as soon as possible because she just loves to go out and have a good time, and has little to no prior engagements. She'll most likely show up in a seductive dress, putting ALL that she has to offer on the table primarily. You may also catch her at parties twerking wit her leg on the wall, hands on the floor, and dress off her ass, just a college guys dream!

Well there you have it fellas...never again shall you be knee deep in a date with a girl and realize that "Damn, shorty really not tryna give me the draws" after you just spent a buck on food, entertainment and gas to get to where yall had to go. You're one up in the game, so if you're looking that one nighter, and shorty canceling the plans cause "work came up" you may want to let that one go and be on to the next. So go out there and be great.
Read the post but still not sure what the future may hold with "Sasha" from Econ class? Well feel free to #AskEazy yall know where to reach me(@Tha_FreshPrince), im just here to help b