Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Logic 101: The Fake Care Effect- Brey

Wassup y'all. I just gotta vent a little about a trend I've seen that I'm choosing to call the "Fake Care" effect.

These nationally televised court cases and publicized legal matters have been rearing people's ignorant negligence to an ugly head. I truly don't understand why most people choose to Fake Care about these things. The day shit is about to come to an end all of a sudden you're picketing outside? Since when did most of y'all care? Just stop it. People want to stand for something I get that but don't just hop on the Care Train when a verdict is reached or a person is executed. You showing support on the spot is totally different than pretending you cared all along. We all know the justice system isn't perfect but you if you're not gonna change it then honestly don't talk shit about it cause nobody wants to hear that shit. We get it, you fake political. People use these topics and stories as a way to divert from their own struggles and issues. Who cares if Casey Anthony is guilty or not when your child is in a shitty school system not getting the education they need? Y'all should worry about things you can improve in YOUR lives rather than bickering about shit that most likely doesn't mean much to you.

The notion "Shit Happens" is a phrase often used, but some people really don't grasp the concept fully. It is VERY simple people, good and bad shit happens everyday to people everywhere. Think Alanis Morissette's song "Ironic". You can be a person free of sin and act like the most righteous person in the world and get hit by a drunk driver. Sure it's a tragedy but it happens, however bad it may cause you to feel. Stay positive but also remain realistic. People nowadays have a way of feeling very entitled to shit not fathoming they could lose it all in a heartbeat.

Casey Anthony is one example. They had jurors who saw and heard more about the case than most of us civilians and yet even though she was let free yall are steady screaming she's guilty. Truth is only she REALLY knows everything so you talkin shit about her isn't doing shit at all but wasting time of your life. She clearly doesn't give a fuck about what people think. Casey isn't paying your bills or doing your Homework so take a seat and relax.

The new story that spawned this whole Fake Care blog is the Troy Davis story. Man was locked up for 20 plus years and not a fucking whisper about him. NOW the day he's to be executed you know for a fact he's not guilty? Fact is a white cop was killed in the 80's. Someone has to pay for that shit hard in Georgia. The nigga was either at the wrong place at the wrong time or he fuckin did it. Either way you're gonna continue to live your life. Sure it's sad that he has to die POTENTIALLY innocent but fact is most of you aren't gonna do shit to change the judicial system so fall back. I BY NO MEANS want him to die, but I'm not gonna lose sleep over it and most of you won't either. If you genuinely care about topics like these then this isn't addressed to you. This is for people who love to "Fake Care" about issues that clearly they wouldn't discuss if it wasn't the "Topic of the Day"

I'm Out


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