Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Twitter 101: The Unfollow Theory ~Eazy

Whats good ya'll, Eazy here once again to attempt to better everyday life. Over the past few weeks we at Marvin's Room have had our top Scientists and Mathematicians working hours on end to come up with a solution for one of the biggest problems that have ever occurred in the twitter universe, the annoying follower. Well, I am proud to say, on behalf of the entire Marvin's Room team, that we've come up with what we feel is  our greatest solutions yet....One we call, "The Unfollow Theory"....peep game...
Now in essence, this is in fact just a theory, so although it hasn't been proven as fact just yet, it has without a doubt worked enough to in fact be considered a theory. This is for those twitter peeps who just can't stand that one person, or group of people, on their timeline who either says dumb shit, tweets too much, doesn't tweet at all, or just isn't the least bit interesting. We've taken our super intelligent notes and gatherings, and formulated them into a simple middle school style "if, then" statement so that even the dumbest of tweeters  could comprehend. A few of you may think that this theory is a a little unorthodox, but please...bare with us here, cause we really think we're onto something...

The Unfollow Theory: "If you happen to come across a certain someone on your timeline whose tweets you'd rather not see, and you take it upon yourself to visit said person's page, position your mouse over the "Unfollow" button under their avi and proceed to click, then you will in fact be free from having to view that persons tweets for as long as you choose."

At this point the shock from the amazingness that is The Unfollow Theory should have set in. It honestly had us shaking when we first worked out all the logarithms and derivatives and stumbled across this scientific breakthrough. This here is groundbreaking....

We understand that some of you are visual learners and still may not comprehend, so for you guys, it should
look something like this.  

Nah but yo to keep it a hunnit, I honestly felt like we had to break it down to people like this because a lot of you just don't get it yo... Its mad simple, how can you sit at your computer and complain about a persons tweets who you willingly follow??? Shit is stupid. Niggas act like whack followers are some sort or disease for which there isn't a cure. I may be wrong, but I'm almost certain that a nigga didn't threaten to kill you if you unfollow him, so what's the problem? I honestly want to understand lol. Because i constantly hear people saying shit like, "Toby tweets dumb shit" or "I'm tired of seeing him on my timeline" or "Bonquesha sounds so ignorant I hate her tweets" etc... Just click the button b, that's all it takes, and 'poof' they're gone. People love to use that "their my friend" excuse and shit, but if you are really friends, then a simple unfollow shouldn't hinder the friendship one bit. Its just twitter lol. I'd unfollow my own Mother if she started tweeting some reckless shit. So stop with the crying. Its your twitter timeline and only you control who you want to see and who you don't want to see. "Less complaining and more unfollowing b".....umm... feel free to follow me tho

Im out... oh yea, and don't forget to vote if you already haven't, thanks to all who have participated
~Eazy  (@Tha_FreshPrince)
P.S. No my mom doesn't have a twitter, it was just an example.

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