Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Lockout Debate & Heartbreaks ~ Eazy

Iight first and foremost....fuck everyone with perfectly working game systems and MW3 right now b...i haven't even seen so much of a screen shot of the damn game on a count of my Xbox being handicapped for the time being. Shit has been out for 24 hours and I'm at the crib with a plastic fork tryna fix my Xbox...smh

But on to the matter at hand...this got damn lockout yo...Mann, this shit was sort of comical back in the summer when niggas knew everything would work out for the best come October, but with it now being November 8, and a week of games having already gone by unplayed, something has got to give yo. Last Tuesday I watched TNT for damn near an hour with high hopes that them niggas would at least show a Bulls highlight reel, practice tape or something...nothing happened... Shit is progressively getting realer by the second at this point cause these niggas have no intentions on coming to an agreeance whatsoever. The players just recently rejected David Sterns last offer today, led by this creep Derek Fisher, of all people. I really don't trust that fuckboy to lead the players, but sadly public speaking is Derek Rose's strong point, so i'll let homie rock. Laughter has slowly turned to frowny faces and watery eyes with this shit cause I was one of the niggas making jokes in the beginning... now I'm here tuning in to ESPN classic and eating ice cream reminiscing of better days :'(
I was listening to a couple interviews on the situation and it sounds like they should have an agreement by the 16th and be playing around Christmas time...although that's still like a month and a half away, its much better than no season at all.
In other news, with the lockout still going strong, this has been one of the strongest Cuffing Season's I've ever witnessed. Niggas out here taking jump-offs to red lobster and paying for both meals and shit, its incredible. The other day I saw a nigga holding hands with a chick at McDonalds. Now, its not the struggle date that shocked me, its more so the enthusiastic interaction between the two. Its wayy too early in Cuffing Season for shit like that to be going down. Niggas haven't even got a chance to bring out the big coats yet b. Absence of the NBA is really having a negative affect on the community. We gotta fix this shit. So with all that being said, Fuck You David Stern, and Fuck you too Derek Fisher....im out

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