Saturday, February 11, 2012

Random Lists Pt. 1 "Movies" -Brey

Just a random top 5 FAVORITES list I'll be doing from time to time. Starting off with my top 5 favorite movies of all time:

1. Fight Club

Fight Club definitely was my favorite movie right after the first time I saw it. Brad Pitt's performance, Edward Norton's performance, the humor, the witty little anecdotes, not to mention the actual story were ALL on point. Helps to have David Fincher directing too. My tied for First favorite director lol.

2. Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction is widely considered one of the top 25 movies of all time. I could watch this movie all day. Directed by my other tied for first favorite director, Quentin Tarantino, this movie has everything and everyone. Samuel L Jackson, John Travolta, Bruce Willis, Ving Rhames, Uma Thurman, shit even Steve Buscemi is a waiter in the movie. But the comedy, violence, and story tie-ins really make this movie stand out as a gem amongst the greats. Packed with many classic quotables as well. If nothing else Samuel L is one of the funniest characters of all time in this.

3. The Matrix

Yeah this is pretty much self explanatory. Before this movie I'd never seen slow motion action that amazing. The fighting and storyline were so dope. The story really had me believing the Matrix was real dog. I thought every bald nigga was gonna approach on some red pill blue pill shit. No luck thus far....

4. Inception

This is lowkey one of the best movies ever. I love everything about this movie. The cinematography, action, VERY original storyline(really the best thing about the movie), and performances by Leonardo Dicaprio and Joseph Gordon-Levitt make this a must own movie. Is this a dream or....

5. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Yeah this movie is the real deal. It's 2 hours and 40 minutes long and I've seen it 3 times in the past month. The story is so compelling but the real reason I love this shit is because of Rooney Mara's performance. She realllllly changed for the role and it comes out amazing. Daniel Craig did his thing as well. GO SEE THIS MOVIE it can't disappoint.

Aiight that's it for now...
I'm Out,

Quit Fakin Boo- Brey

Wassup Y'all...I know I go on the most random rants...and tonight I won't disappoint. I'm just gonna start off with a lil quote you may or may not agree with(quite frankly don't give a shit either way).

"89% of girls are fake as hell"


Glad you asked. Fake guys will have their slander post, but today is all about the ladies. You females are just far too fictional with your friends and try to play it off as being "cordial". I've seen too many times a chick be with her "friend" having a fucking blast, only to have her friend leave for the bathroom and slander the ever living shit out of her. Why do females do that? That's fake. If you being cordial do that but don't wait till a defenseless person isn't in your presence to rip them apart.
 The most dangerous type of fake female friend is the lonely one of the group. Lonely women do not think like normal females. The lonely friend will fuck her best friend's man/husband/boo and then go to $3 shots night at the club wit her "friend". I've witnessed the lonely friend attempt to seduce my mans only to get shut down, then proceed to tell his girl(Her "friend") he tried to get at her first. Shit is absolutely disgusting out here b.

Why not surround yourself with bitches you actually WANT to fuck with? Most girls I know if not all have talked superb shit about their other "friend" at one point. There are even friendships whose foundations are built off fiction. Ever notice two girls HATE each other and next week be buddy-buddy?or vice versa?Yea me either.

Guess the moral of this random rant is try to CHILL with the fakeness ladies. It's not hard to be honest and straight up with other females I promise...

I'm Out,


Lonely Friday Random Thoughts-Brey

  • The Painting behind me is like the best shit ever
  • Go watch Fight Club if you haven't seen it
  • Bulls/Heat rematch in the Eastern Conference Finals
  • Shoutout to Jeremy Lin and the fact he came off the bench last week
  • Came to the conclusion most people aren't happy no matter how good their life seems
  • Corinne Bailey Rae's first album>>>>
  • I know this is one big NOBODY CARES post, don't give a fuck
  • 8K views! Thanks for the support
  • My next girlfriend gonna be the luckiest chick alive
  • Gucci new mixtape fire
  • Safe House is fire
  • Chronicle was intensely dope
  • Trailer for G.I. Joe might make a real nigga go see it
  • Bioshock Infinite, Max Payne and GTAV need to drop ASAP!
  • The Djay app for iPhone is the dopest shit ever
  • Need more followers on Twitter :/ This 200 follower life ain't what it's about
  • Follow me I changed my name @TheBreyKeys on twitter 
  • Also on Instathirst-I mean gram @breyboy
  • If you complain about another man's avi on twitter that YOU follow, you a faggot
  • Keep it 100 wit ya loved ones they ain't always gonna be here
That's all for now...been slightly busy with school and work and whatnot but I still got some ideas for yall...Stay Classy,
